What is sales funnel and how businesses can use it to grow there income. - Imakesocialeasy

What is sales funnel and how businesses can use it to grow there income.

Sales funnel is the process of taking a potential customer from not knowing about you and your business to being a paying customer. Sales funnel plays a huge role in the growth of revenue for any business. So today in this blog i will show you some major points that ho can you use sales funnel and increase your business growth and revenue.

How does a good sales funnel can improve your sales?

A sales funnel is a simple process that is used by businesses to make a sale for there product or sometimes affiliate. It is a method that helps your business get more sales by getting customers to your site also it helps you to rank your site in google search by increasing your site bounce rate. Some sales funnels include a physical product, like one from Amazon (affiliate or there own product), while others are strictly digital, like those from Shopify or Click Funnels which are also sometimes used by affiliates to increase there sales .

What are the components of a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is a marketing strategy where you ultimately try to get your prospects to purchase your product by gradually increasing your contact with them. There are two types of sales funnels: lead generation and lead nurturing. Lead generation is used to gather potential customers to be part of your sales funnel. Lead nurturing is used to keep your current customers and get referrals. Sales funnels are extremely effective because they are proven to work. If you want to learn how to use sales funnels and how to make your own sales funnel check this complete article.

components of sales funnel

There are many components of the sales funnel. The components are: Untouched- the number of individuals who have visited your website, who have not been contacted by you. Contact made (Leads)- the number of individuals who have been contacted by you. Qualified- the number of individuals who have been qualified by you. Proposal presented- the number of individuals who have been presented with a proposal by you. Negotiation- the number of individuals who have negotiated with your company. Won- the number of individuals who have accepted your proposal.

The beginning of the sales funnel.

The beginning of the sales funnel is also called the awareness stage. This stage represents the first phase of the sales funnel. The awareness phase is also called the top of the sales funnel, because at the top of the funnel, your product or service is still just a product or service. It has not yet been identified as the solution to any problems. As a result, it is still only a theoretical solution to a problem the prospect may have.

The middle of the sales funnel

The middle of the sales funnel is where you bridge the gap between the top-of-the-funnel (awareness) and the bottom (decision). Leads at this stage are in the consideration phase. They are aware of your products or services, and they are often willing to learn more, but they aren't ready to buy. The biggest challenge faced by most companies with sales funnels is filling this gap. If you have a strong middle, you can get visitors to the top of the funnel. If you have a solid bottom, you can get more leads to the top of the funnel.

The end of the sales funnel

The final step of the funnel is action, which is the culmination of all the previous steps. The customer has decided to purchase your product, and they will move forward to complete the purchase. Successful online stores have a high conversion rate, meaning that the number of people who complete a purchase is high, and the number of people who don't complete a purchase is low. The point of the sales funnel is to help you figure out why some people don't complete a purchase and try to fix it. If a large number of people are dropping out at a certain stage of your sales funnel, it's time to take a look at that stage and see if there's anything you can do to fix it.